Our centre is adapted for groups of up to 24 divers. The legislation applicable the Canary Archipelago authorises 12 divers per boat. Therefore, trips with groups of more than 12 are made in two rotations.
It is also possible to combine a boat and diving trip towards other immersion points of the island with our van Tiki.
Feel free to contact us for more information.
These trips can be organized in two manners:

Zen diving
We meet up at 9 o’clock for the first dive, back to the centre at the end of the morning. We then meet again at 14 o’clock for the second departure.

Addict diving
You want dive twice in a row. (One hour interval at the surface) and then you can enjoy the sites of Tenerife in the afternoon. We meet at 8:30 o’clock in the morning and you are back in the early afternoon.
The choice of the majority will be made, yet also depends on the exterior conditions.
For all exploratory diving, you will need to provide a valid medical certificate with no contraindications for scuba diving (less than one year old) and an individual insurance that we can provide on site.
Certificat médical / Assurance
Pour toutes les plongées d’exploration et les formations, il vous sera demandé au préalable un certificat médical de non contre indication à la pratique de la plongée sous marine en cours de validité (moins de 1 an) et une assurance individuelle que nous pouvons vous délivrer sur place.
Ces deux documents ne sont pas nécessaires pour le Baptême et le Try Scuba Diving.